Links that has relation to this project.
Other bests STL implementations:
- SGI STL;. See STLport story about relations between SGI STL and STLport;
- Dinkumware STL;
- STDCXX - Apache C++ Standard Library (formly RogueWave's STL implementation).
Thread safety: please refer to SGI site for detailed document on thread safety. Basic points are:
- simultaneous read access to the same container from within separate threads is safe;
- simultaneous access to distinct containers (not shared between threads) is safe;
- user must provide synchronization for all accesses if any thread may modify shared container.
Checked iterators keep track of their container while the container keeps track of them. The idea was introduced in Cay Horstmann's "Safe STL".
- If the container goes out of scope, its iterators are being invalidated;
- If certain iterators are being invalidated because of mutating operation, all instances of this iterator are invalidated.
Discussion about strings implementation:
Generic programming and metaprogramming with C++
- Boost project.